Friday, July 30, 2010

Plein Air Painting: Taking Your Paints Outside

Last week I was gifted with a ‘plein air’ watercolor workshop given by Lynn Onley.  Plein air painting is a familiar concept today, but in the late 1800s when the Impressionists ventured out of their studios into nature to investigate and capture the effects of sunlight and different times of days on a subject, it was quite revolutionary.  We met at Porteau Cove, which is situated overlooking Howe Sound, 38 km north of Vancouver on the Sea-to-Sky Highway on the way to Whistler. Interestingly, I learnt that an old ship has been sunk in the bay, so as well as attracting outdoor enthusiasts, scuba divers and marine biologists come here to explore  the depths of the ocean.  A pebble beach slopes gently into Howe Sound in Porteau Cove. On summer days when the tide is low and the sun high, the warm rocks heat the incoming waters, making swimming here a pleasure. Lynn Onley who gave the workshop, is the daughter of Toni Onley, one of Canada’s most celebrated artists. His landscapes have always provided a special significance for Canadians in reviving an appreciation for our surroundings. Lynn Onley following in her father’s footsteps is an accomplished artist herself.  I felt very privileged, and excited to have the opportunity to learn the art of watercolor from Lynn Onley as passed down to her from her celebrated father Toni Onley.

 Lynn Onley Porteau Cove 2010  
The view of the scene I painted with instruction from Lynn Onley
Lynn Onley Porteau Cove 2010
Lynn Onley painting Plein Air in Porteau Cove using her father, Toni Onley’s paint box

Lynn Onley painting Plein Air in Porteau Cove using her father, Toni Onley’s paint box and his wood and canvas folding chair.  The first step is to lay in the color washes for the sky, and while still wet take tissue and blot to make the clouds.  The next step is to paint in the mountains, using the ‘soup’ as Lynn calls it, which is the remaining mixture from the sky as the base to add the next colors to.  Lynn showed us how to mix Alizarin Crimson with Sepia, to tone it down, to paint in the slab-like chunks of red granite showing in the mountains.

 Lynn Onley Porteau Cove 2010 
Lynn Onley demonstrates watercolors techniques

Then Lynn added in the ocean, and next the shore, and then trees.  At this point you can continue to add more detail, or take the painting home to finish.  I had to leave at this point with my water color still needing more work.  I took it with me on my trip to Desolation sound and added in more detail, working from memory and being further inspired by the colors and light in the more northern atmosphere of Desolation Sound – Desolation Sound is at the 52nd Parallel, while Porteau Cove is at the 49th Parallel.  Thanks Lynn for the inspiring day!!

Porteau Cove 2010 Patricia Gray 
My finished watercolor of Porteau Cove after a morning of instruction from Lynn Onley.
11” x 15” on 140 lb watercolor paper , Windsor Newton paints

A pebble beach slopes gently into Howe Sound. It was low tide so the green moss on the rocks usually below the water line was showing.  We started painting at 10:00 AM, and the sky, cloud formations, and shadows on the water were constantly changing as the sun and tide line changed.

Porteau Cove 2010
The dock at Porteau Cove.

Porteau Cove 2010
The granite mountains above Porteau Cove on the highway to Whistler.

 Porteau Cove 2010 Porteau Cove 2010

These pictures are of the beautiful tree I sat under while painting at Porteau Cove.  I took these pictures as inspiration – possibly for my next water color.

Van Gogh, in a letter to his brother, claims to
“devour nature ceaselessly,”
and finds himself  
“in surroundings which entirely engross me,
which so order, fix, regulate, renew and enlarge my thoughts
that I am quite wrapped up in them.” 

Toni Onley Toni Onley

Toni Onley 1928 – 2004, one of Canada’s most celebrated artists, painting Plein Air.

Porteau Cove 2010
Map of Porteau Cove

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about Lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Desain Pintu Gebyok Jati

Ornamen ukir kembali menjadi ikon dalam desain pintu berikut. Selain menghiasi architrave, Ornamen ukir ini juga tampil pada daun pintu. Pilihan finishing warna coklat tua menampilkan kesan dramatis. Handle gelang dan ornamen paku-pakuan besar juga di gunakan untuk menambah nuansa etnik.
 Model : Pintu Ayun dua daun sama lebar
Material : Kayu Jati 

back ornament into icons in the next door designs. Besides decorating architrave, carved Ornamentation is also appearing at the door. Sepia finishing option displays a dramatic impression. Handle bracelets and ornaments of large ferns are also used to add ethnic nuance.
Models: Door Swing same two broad leaves
Materials: Teak Wood
Sumber :

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Keindahan Ukiran Gebyok Jati

 Keindahan ukiran gebyok jati memang benar-benar nyata, kesan klasik otomatis akan muncul, Hasil karya kerajinan gebyok ini tidak akan begitu saja di lewatkan bagi para pencinta pintu gebyok dan tidak akan 
lekang oleh waktu.
The beauty of teak carvings gebyok really real, classic impression will appear automatically, crafts gebyok result will not just miss out for the lovers in the door and will not gebyok timeless.

Sumber :

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kaca Patri Minimalis Bevel

Penambahan ornamen bevel pada kaca patri akan keliatan lebih bening, modern dan mewah. Apabila rumah anda bernuansa modern coba terapkan motif kaca patri minimalis secara simetris. 
Free Desain Kaca Patri.
 Addition of stained glass ornaments bevel on plasticity will be more clear, modern and luxurious. When your house trying to apply the nuances of modern minimalist motifs symmetrically stained glass. Free Design Stained Glass
Sumber :

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Desain Pintu Etnik Minimalis

Pintu ini mencoba untuk menggabungkan antara karakter desain minimalis dengan karakter etnik. Hasilnya, beberapa simbol etnik tetap muncul walaupun proporsi yang tidak terlalu dominan. Pintu pun cenderung tampil "bersih" sesuai dengan karakter desain minimalis.
 Model : pintu ayun dua daun sama lebar
Ukuran (lebar x tinggi) : 150cm x 245cm
Finishing : Melamik coklat muda
Aksesories : Handle dan Ukiran tempel

The door is trying to merge between the characters of minimalist design with ethnic characters. The result, some ethnic symbols still appear even though the proportion is not too dominant. The door tends to appear "clean" in accordance with the character of minimalist design.

Sumber :

Monday, July 19, 2010

Desain Pintu Etnik Minimalis

Desain Pintu berkarakter etnik minimalis ini memiliki Architrave kukuh yang menyerupai Gapura. Dikatakan etnik Minimalis karena ornamen ukiran pada pintu ini hanya tampil pada bagian tengah daun pintu serta sudut atas Architrave. Finishing Art natural yang di pilih serasi dengan warna dinding.
Model : Pintu ayun dua daun sama lebar
Ukuran (lebar x tinggi) 160cm x 210cm
Finishing : Politur natural
Aksesories : Handle gelang dan Ukiran

Ethnic character minimalist door design features resembling a sturdy gate architrave. It said ethnic Minimalist because ornaments carvings on this door appear only at middle and upper corner of the door architrave. Finishing Art in select natural match wall color. 
Model: two-leaf swing doors the same width 
Size (width x height) 160cm x 210cm 
Finishing: natural camphor 
Accessories: bracelets and Carving Handle

Sumber :

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cara membuat kaca patri

Tahap pembuatan kaca patri :
  1. Pembuatan dan penentuan pola desain kaca patri sesuai keinginan.
  2. Pemotongan kaca mengikuti pola yang sudah di buat.
  3. Perakitan kaca yang sudah di potong tadi di satukan mengikuti sesuai pola yang sudah ada.
  4. Pematrian kaca menggunakan solder agar semua potongan kaca dapat di satukan.
  5. Proses pendempulan/sealant kaca patri antara sela-sela kaca dan timah/kuningan.
  6. Dan terakhir masuk pada Proses Finishing ini bertujuan agar material timah/kuningan kaca patri tidak mengalami korosi.
 Aplikasi kaca patri di kategorikan menjadi 3 bagian :
  • Singel glass
  • Double glass
  • Triple glass
Sumber :

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Desain Kaca Patri Boven

 Ini merupakan Alternatif desain boven yang di instal menggunakan elemen kaca patri sebagai "point of view" bagi anda yang mempunyai model Boven seperti ini apa salahnya mencoba memasukan unsur "kaca patri" pada bovennya pasti tampilan rumah anda akan terasa beda lebih elegan dan keliatan mewah. pilihan ada di tangan anda selamat mencoba..!!!
Free desain Kaca Patri dan konsultasi  Call 0812 2771 9200

This is an alternative design which is installed Boven using stained glass element as the "point of view" for those of you that have a model like this Boven what's wrong with trying to incorporate elements of "stained glass" in his Boven certainly look different from your home will feel more elegant and luxurious plasticity .

Sumber :

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Arti lukisan Kaca Patri 9 Ikan Koi menurut Feng Shui

Kaca Patri dengan motif 9 ikan Koi, menurut Dunia Feng Shui di percaya mempunyai arti pengharapan akan kemakmuran dan keberuntungan
Peletakan ornamen Kaca Patri 9 Ikan Koi untuk meningkatkan kualitas keberuntungan sebaiknya di sudut yang posisinya berseberangan diagonal dari letak pintu masuk. Panduannya:
  • Bila pintu masuk terletak di sisi kiri ruang tamu maka sudut keberuntungan ada di kanan dari bidang dinding yang berseberangan dengan pintu masuk.
  • Bila pintu masuk terletak di sisi kanan maka sudut keberuntungan ada di kiri dari bidang dinding yang berseberangan dengan pintu masuk. 
  • Bila pintu letaknya di tengah maka sudut keberuntungan ada di bagian kanan dan kiri dari dinding yang berseberangan dengan pintu masuk.
  • Bisa juga sebagai pembatas bidang ruangan yang berfungsi sebagai Sketsel/Partisi.
Sumber :

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kaca Patri Religius Pada Bangunan Gereja

Kaca patri religius dengan motif  "Tuhan Yesus" banyak di aplikasikan pada rumah-rumah ibadah "Gereja" selain itu kesan yang di timbulkan pada motif kaca patri dan pancaran warna-warni kaca patri membuat suasana peribadatan menjadi lebih khidmat, Agung, damai dan kian sakral. Untuk mengetahui Info harga silahkan hubungi kami di Email atau klik link di bawah ini.
Free Konsultasi kaca patri dan Desain

Religious stained glass with a pattern of "Lord Jesus" is applied in many houses of worship "church" other than that inflicted on the impression that the motive and the radiant stained glass stained glass colors create an atmosphere of worship became more solemn, the Great, peaceful and increasingly sacred . To find out price info please contact us at Email @ or click the link below.Free Consultation and Design stained glass.

Sumber :

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Home Design Software

Home Design Software

Celebrity Designer Homes

Yes some stunning designs
This is a unique resort of luxury designer homes and facilities not seen before in Portugal. Bom Sucesso have brought together twenty three Portuguese and international architects to design different sets of villas or townhouses.Each project is special and unique.The architects adhered to a set of rules the most important among these rules and vital for the originality of the resort, was that all rooftops should be covered in greenery

Celebrity Designer Homes

Yes some stunning designs
This is a unique resort of luxury designer homes and facilities not seen before in Portugal. Bom Sucesso have brought together twenty three Portuguese and international architects to design different sets of villas or townhouses.Each project is special and unique.The architects adhered to a set of rules the most important among these rules and vital for the originality of the resort, was that all rooftops should be covered in greenery

Luxury Celebrity European Dream Home Draperies Florida

Luxury Celebrity European Dream Home Draperies Florida

Mediterranean Homes ll Montage of Gorgeous Mediterranean Home Plans

Mediterranean Homes ll Montage of Gorgeous Mediterranean Home Plans

The Valencia -- Luxury House Plan

The Valencia -- Luxury House Plan

Luxury Homes I -- Montage of Stunning Luxury House Plans

Luxury Homes I -- Montage of Stunning Luxury House Plans

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pintu Etnik Bali

 Nuansa Etnik Bali akan semakin terasa saat melihat desain pintu ini yang di desain artistik dengan ornamen dan ukiran khas Bali. Penggunaan Finishing warna keemasan diatas dasaran warna merah semakin mempertegas karakter etnik Bali.
Spesifikasi : 
Model : Pintu ayun dua daun sama lebar
 Ukuran : 90 cm X 220 cm
Material : Kayu jati +Ukiran full
Finishing : Cat Gold yellow and Red
 Aksesories : Handle antik

Sumber :

Thursday, July 1, 2010

TriBeCa Interior Design

TriBeCa Interior Design PGB
How beautiful is this! 
This screen has captured my attention. I love how the light shines through the colored glass.  To fabricate the screen,
artist Susan Woods sawed blackened-steel tube into segments, welded them together, and inserted rounds of
colored glass.

Credit: Interior Design Magazine, TriBeCa apartment
Photo by Eric Laignel

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Aplikasi Kaca Patri Dengan Motif Burung Kicau

Kaca patri ini hadir dengan suasana Fauna yaitu dengan desain motif burung kicau, sangat indah juga untuk di nikmati hasil kerajinan ini, bagi anda yang senang dengan Nuansa motif burung ada banyak pilihan untuk membuat motif kaca patri burung kicau, bisa saja apabila anda senang dengan burung Murai Batu, Cendet, Cucak rowo, Love Bird, Anis Merah atau lain sebagainya. Coba anda aplikasikan pada Material Kaca Patri ini, untuk penempatannya bisa saja pada jendela kamar atau pembatas ruang makan dan tamu pasti akan keliatan sejuk. Itu karena pilihan motif Burung Kicau terasa alami seperti di alam. 
Selamat mencoba..!!
Free Desain dan Konsultasi  Hotline : 0812 2771 9200

Furniture Antik

Kehadiran Furniture Antik bisa menjadi Inspirasi bagi yang menyenangi suasana klasik di rumah anda, ada juga tipe rumah minimalis modern menggunakan elemen pelengkap rumah ini, tergantung penempatannya. Mengenai penempatannya sangat cocok berada di teras rumah atau di halaman kebun atau pun di Taman yang biasanya di gunakan untuk bersantai dengan keluarga, komponen bahan furniture antik ini sangat kuat dan kokoh dan tahan untuk segala cuaca bahan utamanya bisa dari besi atau Aluminium yang prosesnya dengan cara di lebur/Cor kemudian di cetak membetuk rangka kursi atau meja. Ada beberapa pilihan motif mau yang full metal atau semi metal artinya pilihan tergantung selera contoh gambar yang diatas adalah Furniture Antik Campuran yang di kombinasikan dengan penambahan material kayu sebagai pemanisnya. Selamat Mencoba..!!
Sumber : Team BALEHOME 0812.2771.9200

Antique Furniture's presence can be inspiration for those who loved classical ambience in your house, there is also a modern and minimalist house type using complementary element of this house, depending on placement. Regarding the placement is perfect at home or in the courtyard patio garden or even in the park is usually used for relaxing with the family, components of antique furniture material is very strong and sturdy and resistant to all weather main material of iron or aluminum can that process in a way the melting / Cor later in order to print Markowitz chair or table. There are several options like a full-motif metal or metal spring means depending on the choices that taste example image above is the Antique Furniture Mixture on the combine with the addition of a wooden material as a sweetener. Good luck ..!
Source : BALEHOME Team +62812 2771 9200