Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nuansa CAFE APUNG yang Simple nan Elegan membuat para pengunjung enggan meninggalkan tempat ini setelah merasakan kenyamanan suasana Cafe dan keelokan Pantai disekitarnya..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Elemen Interior Kaca Patri Pada Jendela

Kaca Patri walaupun sudah dikenal sejak lama, namun elemen interior yang satu ini tetap saja memiliki daya pikat tersendiri, seakan tidak terpengaruh dengan demam minimalis,   
permintaan akan kaca patri masih terus saja mengalir.

Stained glass, although known for a long time, but this one element of the interior still has its own charm, though not affected by fever and minimalist the demand for stained glass continued to flow

Monday, April 26, 2010

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Interior Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

Kids Bedroom Furniture Set in Warm Martini Cherry Finish on Cherry Veneers and Selected HardwoodsKids Bedroom Furniture Set in Country Pine - South Shore Furniture - 3232-BSET-2Kids Bedroom Furniture Set - Sunday Funnies - Powell Furniture - 343-BSET-1Kids Bedroom Furniture Set - Little Treasures Collection
Look at the inspirational white and blue teen and girls room decorating with modern and contemporary designs.” Do you find the rooms fascinating and stunning? well, I think you have the same ideas with me about the rooms. The teen rooms from pbteen look so nice and cool by the right choice of color used to decorate the rooms. Besides, the furniture styles and models which can create a real harmony of the teen rooms, allowing the positive energy coming to the room interior that can create a comfort and pleasure.
White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Interior Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

Kids Bedroom Furniture Set in Warm Martini Cherry Finish on Cherry Veneers and Selected HardwoodsKids Bedroom Furniture Set in Country Pine - South Shore Furniture - 3232-BSET-2Kids Bedroom Furniture Set - Sunday Funnies - Powell Furniture - 343-BSET-1Kids Bedroom Furniture Set - Little Treasures Collection
Look at the inspirational white and blue teen and girls room decorating with modern and contemporary designs.” Do you find the rooms fascinating and stunning? well, I think you have the same ideas with me about the rooms. The teen rooms from pbteen look so nice and cool by the right choice of color used to decorate the rooms. Besides, the furniture styles and models which can create a real harmony of the teen rooms, allowing the positive energy coming to the room interior that can create a comfort and pleasure.
White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Design and Decorating Concept

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Colors of San Jose del Cabo

The Colors of San Jose del Cabo 

image Cabo San Lucas 3 080 
Cabo San Lucas 3 096 Cabo San Lucas 3 089 
 Cabo San Lucas 3 094 Cabo San Lucas 3 085
Cabo San Lucas 3 084 Cabo San Lucas 3 074
Cabo San Lucas 3 072 Cabo San Lucas 3 066
 Cabo San Lucas 3 098 Cabo San Lucas 3 051 
Cabo San Lucas 3 090 image
Cabo San Lucas 3 092 Cabo San Lucas 3 061 
Cabo San Lucas 6 037 Cabo San Lucas 6 013 
Cabo San Lucas 6 031 Cabo San Lucas 6 025
Patricia Gray Inc
is an award winning Interior Designer firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™